2022 - Thank you Philip Pettus and the Commissioners for the grant!

2021 - We would like to thank Phillip Pettus and the commissioners for the money towards bullet proof vests.

2021 - We would like to thank Phillip Pettus and the commissioners for the money towards bullet proof vests.

THANK YOU to the follow for donations in 2021:

Center Star Veterinary Clinic - $200

Wood Floor Store - $100

CB&S Bank - $100

Mark Simpson - $50

State Farm Insurance Co - Thomas Britton Blanton - $25

Wal-mart - $25

Neals Tire & Appliance - $20

Killen True Value Hardware - 1 Fiskars foldable saw

Listerhill Credit Union - 3 cases of water & a bag of hand sanitizer

TN Valley Co-op, Elgin - 1 Fencing pliers, 2 rolls electrical tape & 25 ft of rope

2019 - We would like to say thank you to United Launch Alliance for the $500 donation to The Lauderdale County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol. It is greatly appreciated.

2019 - We would like to say thank you to United Launch Alliance for the $500 donation to The Lauderdale County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol. It is greatly appreciated.

2018 - Thanks to Philip Pettus and the commissioners for money to purchase flashlights and a generator. It is greatly appreciated.

2018 - Thanks to Philip Pettus and the commissioners for money to purchase flashlights and a generator. It is greatly appreciated.